Thursday, July 27, 2006

I am Learning!!!!!

Well like I said before I started blogging and I am learning as I go. Today has been a productive day!!! I learned how to attached links to my blog . I hope to be in tip top shape by the end of the week. Soon I hope to be as great as all the bloggers that I visit and admired they're creativity!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

OMG I have started a Blog!!!!!

I hope this is the start of some exciting posts about my thoughts about my crazy and one of my favorite habits knitting also my photos which I enjoy taking.
All I can say about me is that I am a boring accountant that wishes to be knitting and taking photos, but I guess we need to pay our bills so I need to work!!!. I have a wonderful child name Ethan and and a beautiful stepdaughter named Brittany. They are the absolute joy of my life.Eventually I will be writing about them also. But for know I will start the journey of Blogging and learning how to make my blog exciting. So see you soon!!!!!